A message from NYS Society of Anesthesiologists President…
As the New York State Society of Anesthesiologists’ president for 2024, I welcome you to our website. Here you will find information about your member benefits, the NYSSA’s advocacy efforts, and how to get involved in the work of our association. You can also access issues of our quarterly publication, Sphere, dating back to 1983. You can join the as a new member or renew your membership, support the Anesthesiology Foundation of New York (AFNY), and make donations to the New York Anesthesiologists Political Action Committee (NYAPAC).
Your involvement in the NYSSA opens doors to both education and opportunities to be an advocate for your profession. Complementary registration to attend our annual PostGraduate Assembly in Anesthesiology (PGA) is just one of the many benefits of NYSSA membership. You can support the NYSSA’s advocacy efforts by contributing to NYAPAC and participating in the NYSSA’s Legislative Day in May.
Threats to our profession and to our ability to provide optimal patient care have always existed, and they require our continued vigilance and engagement with our legislative leaders. You can amplify your impact by reaching out to non-member anesthesiologists and educating them on the importance of supporting their state and national specialty societies. By working together, we can better protect our patients and our profession.
All the best,
Steven B. Schulman, M.D., MHA, FASA
What is the New York State Society of Anesthesiologists?
The New York State Society of Anesthesiologists (NYSSA), is a community of approximately 4,200+ New York anesthesiologists. NYSSA actively advocates on behalf of both patients and physicians in formulating standards and guidelines, to advance the practice of anesthesiology. Together, NYSSA members provide a powerful and effective voice for our specialty in New York state.