PGA Supporter
The PostGraduate Assembly in Anesthesiology (PGA) is a four-day event, sponsored by the NYSSA that takes place each December in New York City. The PGA attracts upwards of 4,000 attendees from around the world, and is a global platform for networking and presenting anesthesia’s latest science and technologies.
Becoming a PGA Supporter offers a three-month promotional opportunity before, during and after the PGA meeting.
Supporter Rights
- Three-month recognition window
- Use of official PGA Supporter designation
- Inclusion in PGA social media efforts (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) recognizing company’s participation in the Supporter Program
Participation Opportunities
- Opportunity to host a focus group in conjunction with the PGA (invitations to be facilitated by the NYSSA; expenses to be paid by supporter); one time
- Second option to host a non-accredited satellite symposium at the PGA; * 15% off advertised cost
- One (1) additional badge per 100 square feet of booth space
Publications / Collateral Material
- Shared logo recognition in PGA thank you ad in:
- SPHERE (quarterly NYSSA member publication), two issues (pre and post PGA)
- Representation in various e-marketing and promotional material reaching more than 120,000 members, nonmembers and healthcare professionals.
- Company’s exhibit booth highlighted as a PGA Supporter in Mobile App
- PGA Supporter ribbons for all company personnel at the PGA
- Highlighted exhibit booth position on Exhibit Hall map in Mobile App
Signage and Recognition
- General NYSSA thank you signage (band of logos) at the PGA in high-traffic/VIP (and/or virtual) locations including:
- Registration Area
- Opening Session
- Residents and Fellows Event
- PGA Supporter designation at exhibit booth
- Recognition on
- Shared logo recognition as a PGA Supporter; minimum three months
Supporter Review and Feedback
- Fulfillment report from the NYSSA detailing benefits delivered following the PGA
- Meeting with NYSSA staff to review supporter objectives
Maximum Number of Relationships: Six
Promotional Time Frame: Three months
Contract Term: Three months
Investment: $10,000
For more information, please contact Will Burdett:
Tel: 212-867-7140