2025 NYSSA Supporter Program
The New York State Society of Anesthesiologists (NYSSA) is an organization of more than 4,200 physicians and scientists dedicated to advancing the specialty of anesthesiology and providing the safest and highest quality patient care to the citizens of New York State.
Becoming a NYSSA Supporter offers a year-round affiliation with the NYSSA, with access to membership and recognition at the PostGraduate Assembly in Anesthesiology (PGA), which is held annually in December. This package is the highest-level support opportunity for pharmaceutical, medical device, and other related companies.
Supporter Rights
- Year-round recognition
- Use of the official NYSSA Supporter designation
- Use of the official NYSSA Supporter logo in advertising, marketing collateral, informational, and/or educational materials (with pre-approval from the NYSSA)
- Inclusion in NYSSA social media campaigns (e.g., Facebook, Twitter and Instagram) recognizing company’s participation in the Corporate Supporter Program; monthly
- Opportunity at the PGA to promote company and/or product literature at the Networking Lounge
- Company literature distributed to all 4,000 attendees (exclusive to Supporters)
- Use of PGA attendee mailing list; once per year (exclusive to Supporters)
- Opportunity to provide a promotional give-away to be distributed at the NYS Residents and Fellows Event
Participation Opportunities
- Individual meeting with NYSSA leadership and executive staff to learn about NYSSA strategic goals and initiatives (in addition to NYSSA staff support and guidance); once per year
- Opportunity to present company’s scientific and/or educational material (research, white papers, webinars, etc.) through a link on the NYSSA website (with pre-approval from the NYSSA)
- Opportunity to engage with NYSSA members/PGA attendees. Engagement could be a focus group in conjunction with the PGA, an online focus group, webinar, etc., once per year.
- 10X10 exhibit booth space
- Non-accredited lunch or breakfast symposia talk at the PGA meeting
- First opportunity to engage in society-wide strategic initiatives that are identified for industry participation
- Photo opportunities with NYSSA leadership/celebrities/keynote speakers at VIP functions
- Two (2) invitations to the NYSSA Board of Directors reception held prior to the NYSSA Board meeting during the ANESTHESIOLOGY® annual meeting of the ASA
- Four (4) invitations to the NYS Residents and Fellows Event at the PGA, including the opportunity to introduce yourself to the attendees
- Two (2) invitations to the President’s Reception at the PGA
- Unlimited exhibitor badges
Publications/Collateral Material
- Featured digital article (evidence-based, medical/scientific information regarding current drugs, devices and solutions) with pre-approval from NYSSA, distributed with SPHERE (NYSSA’s quarterly member publication); once per year
- One (1) e-blast sent to all NYSSA members and PGA attendees
- Full-page advertisement in SPHERE; four times per year
- Company logo recognition in the NYSSA Corporate Supporter Thank You ad in SPHERE; four times per year
- Company’s linked logo in various e-marketing and promotional material reaching more than 120,000 members, non-members, and healthcare professionals: 22+ times per year
- Company’s exhibit booth highlighted as an NYSSA Supporter in various marketing materials
- Highlighted exhibit booth position on the Exhibit Hall map in the Mobile App
- NYSSA Supporter ribbons for all company personnel at the PGA
Signage and Recognition
- General NYSSA Thank You signage (band of logos) at the PGA in high traffic/VIP (and/or virtual) locations including:
- Registration Area
- Opening Session
- 7th Floor Networking Lounge
- President’s Reception
- Residents and Fellows Reception
- Charging Stations
- NYSSA Supporter designation floor sticker at exhibit booth
- Verbal recognition by NYSSA leadership at the PGA Opening Session
- Company’s linked logo on the NYSSA home page; www.nyssa-pga.org; 12 months
- Recognition on the PGA meeting website; www.pga.nyc
- Shared logo recognition with link to company leadership quote on why it is important to support the NYSSA
Supporter Review and Feedback
- Fulfillment report from the NYSSA detailing benefits delivered
- Annual meeting with NYSSA staff to review supporter objectives
- Opportunity to participate in a yearly evaluation survey
Promotional Time Frame: Year-Round
Contract Term: One Year
Investment: $40,000
For more information, please contact Will Burdett:
Tel: 929-205-7842
Email: will@nyssa-pga.org